Want to make future aligned business decisions? Real-Time Data Science Insights For Your Business

Data is new oil for the 21st Century. According to the World Economic forum by 2025 the amount of data generated each day is expected to reach 463 exabytes globally. Data science is the study of large quantities of data, which can reveal insights that help organizations make strategic choices. Data Science service is used to find solutions to problems by analyzing big or small data using appropriate tools and then tells stories to communicate findings to the relevant stakeholders. There are main 5 V’s of data science:

Velocity is the speed at which data accumulates
Volume is the scale or increase in the amount of data stored.
Variety is the diversity of the data
Veracity is quality and origin of data, and its conformity to facts and accuracy.
Value is our ability and need to turn data into value. Value isn't just profit.

Are you interested to know more on how Data Science can take your business to the next level?

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The power of Data Science: Turning data into strategic insights for informed business decisions.
Seaflux's Data Science Expertise: Power BI, Tableau, Apache Spark, Scikit Learn, Python, TensorFlow, Amazon SageMaker, Excel, and Snowflake technologies.

Our Expertise

Seaflux helps clients to convert the raw chunk of data into an insight derivable piece of information. Analysing the data by leveraging the advantages of Machine Learning and Qualitative Analysis helps to extract hidden information from the data, which adds value to your business. At Seaflux, we also specialize in DataOps solutions tailored to meet unique industry needs, ensuring streamlined data operations and fostering data-driven excellence.

Our team of experts support and assist you at every integral step from Data Extraction, Data Wrangling, Data Processing and Data Visualization. Deriving tangible insights accelerates your business growth and gives you a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Power BITableauApache SparkScikit LearnPythonTensorFlowSageMakerExcelSnowflake

Where can seaflux help you for your next Data Science requirements?

Data Extraction: Gathering data from various sources for review and processing.

Data Extraction

Gathering data from various source like relational/non-relational database, flat files, open source data and importing into data lake for review and processing

Data Wrangling: Cleaning and structuring data from diverse sources.

Data Wrangling

Creating structured data imported from various sources like Social media, CRM systems. Cleaning up data to have meaningful data that can be used for data processing and analyzing

Data Processing: Applying machine learning algorithms for generating insights.

Data Processing

With structured data machine learning algorithm is applied to generate meaningful insight which helps for future prediction

Data Visualization: Representing insights through visual methods like graphs and charts.

Data Visualization

Representing insightful information via different visualization methods like Graphs, Charts, Flow Diagrams etc to communicate with relevant stakeholders

Still confused where to start? Schedule a quick 15 mins chat to clear all your doubts now

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Why choose Seaflux as your Data Science partner?

Data Science Consulting
Large Scale Data Analysis
Predictive Modeling
Diversified Domain Expertise

Speak to one of our Data Science specialists now

